For biogas power plants to be used in a flexible way whenever there are power shortages in the near future, the plants need to be flexibilized. To make this economically viable, plant operators need government incentives.
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Bioenergy: Key Success Factor at a Turning Point in History
In the face of the ongoing gas crisis, biogas is capable of delivering an important contribution to energy security in Germany. To scale the biogas production to the required level, however, new plants need to be built and existing capacities need to be ramped up as soon as possible.

Energy Generation in Wunsiedel: Decentralized, Autonomous, Sustainable
The Wunsiedel energy park produces heat and power from renewable energies for the local population. To store the green electricity generated, the park’s electrolysis plant produces green hydrogen, which is converted into electricity whenever needed, thus guaranteeing security of supply.

Using Biogas Resources for Sustainable, Affordable Heat Supply
To ensure reliable, affordable, and climate-friendly supply of heat and power for businesses and consumers in Germany in the future, the established, proven potential of renewable energies such as biogas needs to be expanded significantly and be utilized even more effectively.
MWM Energy Blog
The energy industry is faced with new challenges propelled by the digitization trend, regulation, and the energy reform. The ultimate goal is to find smart solutions in order to make energy supplier cleaner and more efficient. To make the energy reform successful, innovative solutions are a must. Thus, there is no way around highly flexible, clean combustion engines, such as gas engines or engines that run on synthetic fuels. In this way, we are able to maintain the flexibility that we need in order to supplement alternative energy sources. The MWM Energy Blog zooms in on the latest trends: What is the industry talking about? What appears to viable for the future? Read about ideas and topics for tomorrow without any pressure to immediately transform these into marketable products.
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To us, innovation means not only to focus on today, but to make technologies such as the gas engines even fitter for tomorrow. The development of innovative technologies leverages the successful utilization of the potential of the energy reform, delivering added value to producers and consumers.

The digital age opens new opportunities and possibilities for economic, sustainable energy generation. The digitization of systems and technical applications makes energy solutions even more efficient and easier to control.
Energy Transition

The energy transition and the climate goals are creating new challenges for plant operators. Due to the exit from coal and the associated structural change in Germany, flexible cogeneration power plants play a key role. The combustion engine is becoming increasingly significant, as it contributes to the stabilization of the power grid.

Owing to the transformation of the energy market, the flexibilization of plants for efficient energy generation is gaining in importance. Flexible gas engine-driven combined heat and power plants are trend-setting energy concepts with the help of which Germany's energy and structural transition can be effectively mastered.
Distributed Energy Systems

As a result of the energy reform and the increasing use of renewable energies, the decentralization trend in Germany is on the rise. Apart from increasing the profitability, distributed energy systems open new business fields for power producers.