The digital age opens new opportunities and possibilities for economic, sustainable energy generation. The digitization of systems and technical applications makes energy solutions even more efficient and easier to control.
Digitization Means Process Optimization
Being one of the first to identify the potential of digitization, MWM was quick to develop innovative control technologies. For instance, MWM’s TPEM (Total Plant & Energy Management) system combines all power plant data in a single digital system. Apart from increasing the efficiency of the gas engine and of the power plant as a whole, the optimized digital control also boosts the operational reliability.
Digital Solutions Instead of Data Supplier
MWM regularly showcases its digital system solutions at specialized energy trade shows. These trade shows zoom in on digital technologies to optimize processes and system workflows and to effectively protect the climate. MWM’s communication with customers, too, is getting increasingly digital. For example, the MWM “TCG Portal” is a digital platform that provides MWM partners with quick and easy access to tools and services. Moreover, MWM has already received several intermedia-globe awards of the WorldMediaFestival in recognition of its custom-produced videos that introduce new MWM products and provide service tips.
Photo: ©️ Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH
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