Distributed energy systems offer new opportunities and perspectives for businesses. As a result of the energy reform and the increasing use of renewable energies, the decentralization trend in Germany is on the rise. Highly flexible cogeneration power plants that are driven by gas engines play a key function in the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies.
Higher Energy Efficiency Through Distributed Power Generation
Combined heat and power generation in cogeneration power plants enables a higher level of energy efficiency of the power generation. Distributed plants that are close to the consumers allow the distribution of the accumulating heat to households as well as industrial and commercial facilities via district heat networks.
Thus, distributed energy plants that make use of renewable energies usually create less environmental pollution. Cogeneration works best with a medium degree of centralization: The units should not be too small, while the territory should not be too large.
Economical Use of Resources
Compared to separate power and heat generation, distributed energy generation with the help of combined heat and power plants enables more economical and sustainable use of fuel resources. What is more, distributed energy generation in the immediate vicinity of the consumer reduces energy transportation losses. Owing to the standalone operation, uninterrupted, reliable power supply is possible even in the event of a grid outage.
Photo: ©️ Skye Studios, Unsplash
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